Secret of magic: walk on water


This is the secret magical walk on water, the first ever played by Chris Angel in a swimming pool. See every step, he always took the same distance. This is because there is something under the feet. That Plexiglass, the type of glass that is not visible if it is in the water. In a swimming pool installed in dozens of plexiglass styled separately, and form lines, such as railway. The distance between each plexiglass is the same, namely a few tens centimeters. Be hold a special camera that can detect the presence of plexiglass, so that he can use it to view any part in the plexiglass (which he will make the footing). Women who appear to swim underneath it is a recording made before the actual show, and Chris hang from the top and quasi-running. Of course the top of the body that is not shown. The woman was a professional actress, Chris colleagues. See how a woman is careful to avoid flexiglass. And those who are in the swimming pool is also a charge of all figures



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