Beautiful city of Gay


Amsterdam is known as the "Capital of Gay" in the world, where gay and lesbian couples can smooch with free in public places, while the pair-pair received the local social community and enjoy legal equality does not imagine elsewhere.
However, the series of violence against gay people, strike the crown Amsterdam. City Council of Amsterdam has allocated a fund of 1.2 million euros to back up the crown. Campaign is focusing on initiatives to improve the social life of gay people in Amsterdam. We will consider all initiatives, giving attention to the gay elderly, encouraging akseptasi in the field of sports, has launched a new organization. In short, not only security, but also the community madaninya. According to us, this will return as a capital Amsterdam Gay as first. One of the initiative called "Code Pink", which is a network of gay people in the environment where they live. Camera-security camera will also be installed in places popular with the night life. Minority groups in the Netherlands is not a lot of respect homosexuality's, said Dennis Boutkan, the head of the association rights of gay, COC, in Amsterdam. However, he added, the problem is wider again. Minority groups are not positive towards homosexuality. What we do now is start a dialogs about the meaning homosexuality and try to get respect. However, I'm not only talking about minority groups because the level of acceptance among the Dutch themselves are very thin. Boutkan pleased with the campaign that made this city of Amsterdam. He hopes it will be able to improve the lives of the local gay and attract tourists to gay and lesbian Amsterdam.



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