Black box Air France AF 447 depth of 3000 meters.


Aircraft black box which can usually provide information about what is happening, can send a signal for 30 days. But officials said that the box may have the depth of 3000 meters. French aviation officials say they probably will not be able to find the black box Air France AF 447 lost in the Atlantic Ocean.
Authorities promised an investigation of depth, but he said the situation in the field very difficult. AF 447 aircraft are in this journey from Rio de Janeiro to Paris with 228 passengers on Monday, then lost when the Atlantic Ocean. Aircraft debris have been reported found about 650 kilometers offshore Brazil and ships navy now has around the region. According to Brazilian officials and France, there is no doubt that the debris-debris came from the missing plane. In press meet in Paris, French aviation officials said they will issue a report at the beginning of the end of June. Head of investigation agency in the Department of Civil Aviation France, Paul-Louis Arslanian, the stay before the base, the plane seems to have no problem at all. Arslanian added that they did not want to speculate, and it is important they are to undertake all of the possibilities that exist.
Tragedy is - that is the worst in the country's aviation history occurred in areas that are difficult, so it will not be easy, but we will not give up just so. Brazilian navy ship arrived at the location of the accident on Wednesday morning, and they report the bad weather in the area. Three cargo ship has arrived in the area, are asked to help after the operation. French researchers send a ship equipped with two small submarine.



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