Health Aromatherapy Collection-Aromatherapy as the medicine for relaxatio


Aromatherapy is known as the 'medicine' most potent for relaxation. You can use aromatherapy oils in the bedroom, or while meditating. Choose which suit your needs.
1.Basil: Overcoming abdominal pain, muscle spasms and sore pains, breathing problems, flu and fever. mental fatigue, headaches, difficult concentration and nervous.
2. Cedarwood: For respiratory infections and urinary tract, fresheners for oily skin and clogged pores, dandruff and itching.
3. Roman Chammomile: Suitable for all skin problems like acne, allergies, burns, eczema and skin inflammation.
4. Clove: Reduces dental pain, diarrhea, scabies, ringworm and ringworm.
5. Cubeb: For anorexia disease, cellulite and loss of appetite.
6. Cypress: Overcoming low blood pressure, circulatory system, hemorrhoids, cellulite and reduce excessive perspiration from the body.
7. Ginger: Protecting your body from feeling cold, fever, nausea, indigestion, anti-inflammatory, urinary tract infections, bladder, to destroy all types of intestinal parasites and normalize blood pressure.
8. Geranium: Berkhasiat tightening breasts, menopause, eczema acne, bleeding, birth sign and brighten the skin.
9. Grapefruit: Overcoming aching rheumatic pain, chills, headache, flu and fever and remove toxins in the body.
10. Lavender: Caring for lung infection, sinus, vaginal, including fungi, sore throat, asthma, cysts and other inflammation. Improve endurance, regeneration of cells, open wounds, skin infections and is very comfortable for baby's skin.
11. Lemon: Also good for oily skin, also useful as antioxidants, antiseptics, fight viruses and bacterial infections, prevent hypertension, liver and lymph glands are blocked, improves metabolism, immune system support and memperlamabat weight gain.
12. Jasmine: The plant passion, both for the fertility of women, treat impotence, anti-depression, aching rheumatic pain, menstrual pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes.
13. Juniper: Special treatment of arterial stenosis and the problems associated with blockage of blood vessels such as stretch, hemorrhoids and cellulite.
14. Orange: Good for oily skin, lymph nodes can not smoothly, irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure.
15. Peppermint: Wipe out the bacteria, viruses and parasites are lodged in the digestive tract. Smooth sinus and lung congestion, activate dikulit oil production, heal the itching due to ringworm / scabies, herpes, scabies due to poisonous plants.
16. Rosemary: One of the potent scent of the circulation of blood, lower cholesterol, relax their muscles, rheumatism, eliminating dandruff, hair loss, dull skin help overcome until the bottom layer. Prevent dry skin, wrinkles which appeared reddish veins.
17. Sandalwood: Healing the urinary tract infections and genital ulcers and to treat burns, throat problems, helping to overcome sleeplessness and creating peace of mind.
18. Tea tree: Acting as a good tonic to cure immune lung diseases, genital, vaginal, sinus, mulutinfeksi fungal infections, chicken pox, shingles and protects skin during radiation cancer therapy burns.
19. Thyme: Healing digestive disorders and mushrooms, destroying roundworms and tapeworms.
20. Ylang-Ylang: As a soothing, comforting shortness of breath, serves as a hair tonic as well as generating a sense of love.



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