Swine flu: Impact, causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment and ways of transmission of swine flu


Currently, swine flu into a frightening specter of human, avian influence after the death of swine flu is also a disease of death, even United State president Barrack Obama respond very serious swine flu. Impact resulting from this disease of swine flu among many:
1.Reduce sales pork
2. Breeder pigs and fitful start
3. Restaurant start cooking pork threatened
4. Cause unrest in the community .
The government must respond in a serious virus pigs this flu, I should get immediate attention and not up by the government and must immediately inform the public on the issue or the case of swine flu are:
1. Illustrate the swine flu symptoms
2. The cause of the disease of swine flu
3. Sign a sign of disease of swine flu
4. Action anticipation or prevention of swine flu virus
5. How treatment of swine flu
6. Ways of transmission of swine flu virus
7. Swine flu isolation room
8. Prophylactic flu virus baby
9. Endemic virus swine flu
10. Map the spread of swine flu
11. Budget’s swine flu
12. Steps to prevent spread of swine flu
13. Swine flu medicine
Society must immediately get the information above in order not to cause panic and unrest, especially the step to prevent spread of swine flu.
This the simple step to prevent the spread of swine flu are:
The first should be done is to maintain hand hygiene. With hand washing for 20 seconds after you travel, the powerful hold of fact the spread of the virus can enter through a contamination by the virus. Avoid contact with people who are not healthy, so you will be able to prevent virus infection or infection others.
recognize the symptoms of the disease and immediate treatment if you find signs of the disease have a swine flu. Swine flu has symptoms similar to flu in general, such as fever, body pain, cough, vomiting and defecation. Hopefully the government's immediate response to the case of swine flu.



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