New Cancer serviks medicine and tratment


Cancer is most commonly found among gynecology diseases. In the world, every 2 minutes a woman dies because of this cancer. The biggest enemy of a woman's mouth cancer is the womb. The mouth of womb cancer is cancer found in the uterus serviks, the organ which is the production of women's entrance to the womb, is located in the uterus with the vagina between the vagina. According to the latest research, one of the causes of womb cancer mouth virus is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Virus infecting women if spouses have a virus. Women smokers are also prone to mouth cancer womb because nicotine affects membrane lenders. Keputihan a long time, even removing the smell, and the occurrence of bleeding during the sexual relationship is one of the symptoms of mouth cancer womb. In the early stages, oral cancer is detected womb difficult. Displasia at the stadium until 1, practically there is no complaint. Complaint appears in the new stadium 2 and 3. On 4 stages, cancer cells may be spreading to the brain, lungs, and some other organs. Almost 90 percent of mouth cancer in the womb, there is epitel the surface, where the condition is found which is called the mouth of womb cancer pembakal or prakanker, ranging from light to which the in or karsinoma stadium zero. Everything can be diagnosed with screening. In the early stages, cancer cells can spread to the mouth of the womb. Pra canker until karsinoma conditions in situ are often not show symptoms because it is in layers and epitel not cause significant changes. At both stages, the symptoms arise is keputihan, pascasanggama bleeding and watery discharge from the vagina liquids. If you have invasif, akan found bleeding symptoms such as spontaneous, outgoing keputihan and not feeling comfortable at the time of the sexual conduct.
There are several factors cause the occurrence of cancer cells, either directly or indirectly. First, the screening or filtration. Displasia often found at the age of 20 years. Karsinoma in situ at the age of 15-35 years and cancer serviks on invasive women age 40 years. Second, single and married at a young age and increased two-fold in women who have sex before 16 years. Third, the role of men's pair. Women who marry men with the (former) wife suffering from mouth cancer womb, will be also. Fourth, the characteristics and reproductive menstruation.



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