Female viagra Drug composition


Anticipation of the presence of many female viagra which is still pending approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is over already. Unfortunately, the ability was not as good as female viagra presumed.
After two clinical trials are conducted, the FDA declared flibanserin the name generic female viagra, the less effective to improve sexual arousal in women. The respondents were women involved in the study reported the drug was only slightly increased satisfaction. In a statement the FDA states female viagra effectiveness criteria is the ability to increase sexual arousal, either during intercourse or not. In addition, the FDA found no adverse effects of depression, drowsiness, and dizziness in women who consume pink pill. Is actually an antidepressant drug that affects serotonin and several other brain chemicals.
"It is not clear how the mechanism of this drug on sexual satisfaction but we believe this drug to activate certain chemical compounds in the brain that function in the human sexual response," said Dr.Peter Piliero, director of Boehringer Ingelheim, which produces perusaan flibanserin.
Since the emergence of Viagra, anti-impotence drug that has helped millions of men in the world, experts continue to develop research to find the drug used to treat sexual dysfunction in women.
Dr.Elizabeth Kavaler, urologist, says the emergence of sexual arousal in the woman is a complicated matter, so is not realistic to expect a pill that could overcome sexual problems.
"In contrast to sexual dysfunction in men where there is a major mechanism problems, women do not factor in the mechanism, making it more difficult to find the cause," said Kaveler.
For several decades has actually present drugs to enhance female sexual arousal but always failed. Initially, the drug works by increasing blood circulation to genital area, like Viagra.
The next generation of drug appears to work by raising levels of testosterone are associated with the appearance of sexual arousal. The latter is Flibanserin, the first drug that works on certain brain chemicals in the brain. Drugs that can improve sexual dysfunction was very enthused. Survey shows more than 40 percent of women experience sexual harassment. Flibanserin presence was hoped to overcome these problems, most are not one of 10 women. The FDA has yet to decide flibanserin distribution license. The plan today (18 / 6) will host a meeting with experts to assess the effectiveness and safety of female Viagra.



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