Transformers new flying car


The heart of the United States military, the Pentagon, through its defense research center (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency / DARPA) was researching something that is more general. They are now back working on flying car project through a program called "Transformers". DARPA said the party, the purpose of the program "Transformers" (TX) is to create a vehicle for one to four passengers can be driven at once to fly. In addition, vehicles will also have combat abilities, avoiding the water, difficult terrain, road barriers, the threat of ambush, until the danger bombs (improvised explosive devices / IED). TX workshop will begin on January 14 next year with a variety of preparations, including the company appointed chaperone. This report quoted (30/12/2009). One of the obstacles faced with a surplus of vehicles able to protect and hold will attack, they had difficulty when passing and be landed like in Afghanistan. The reason, a variety of terrain. Such difficult conditions expected to be a crucial factor.



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