Vaginoplasty one of technical Laser vaginal Rejuvenation


Vaginoplasty is the cutting action musculature vagina is actually intended for the mother who bears many children (more than 5 times) is normal and not Caesar, or once per vagina birth weight babies with the above 4 kg without get stitches perineum, as appropriate. Other medical indications intended for women who have experienced prolapsus uteri. A woman diagnosed prolapsus the uteri when the back of the vagina wall and down so that the front hole in the vagina. This condition is of course very women strain. Why can loose vagina walls? Not because musculature such already weak. Indication of the absolute vaginoplasty is not frame vagina is a vagina atrisia or agenesis, so physical that many doubt the identity of women. Fortunately cases like this are very rare. Which is also seen as the aberration is the vagina only form part of the (partial agenesis), the limit between the vagina has the top and bottom (transversal septum) or the left and right (longitudinal septum) and the hymen has no holes (himen inferforata). vaginoplasty-Laser-vaginal-RejuvenationSimilarly if the labia or lips vagina too wide or even a one another. Deviation-deviation was generally occur by default due to interference during the establishment and growth of vagina. Can also be obtained as a result of infection, such as a prolonged keputihan not completely. Trauma can also result because the confinement of which projection the front wall of vagina (sistokel), the rear wall projection (rektokel), channel widening and widening the mouth of vagina (introitus vagina) because of the ruptura perinei alias break perineum. Also not possible due to fistula between the vagina or up normal digested with the channel between the vagina and the urine channel bottom (vesiko vagina fistula) that make the water or even urine feses taint vagina. Normally, between the vagina and anus hole distance of at least 0.5 cm to 2 cm. Although the medical vaginoplasty is for the woman with the conditions as mentioned above, that there are certain circles that the vaginoplasty for pursuing sexual satisfaction. With cut of musculature vagina vagina so the more narrow. These conditions are likely to provide sexual satisfaction to the husband.



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