Lirik plesetan Lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya

Ulah orang Malaysia memang kurang ajar setelah mengklaim beberapa budaya Indonesia, sekarang mereka berulah lagi yaitu melecehkan Lagu kebangsaan Indonesia raya, Berikut ini cuplikan lirik lagu plesetan Indonesia Raya yang di ambil dari Topix Forum World Malaysia, pada komentar tertanggal 28 Juli 2009:

Gugusan pulau tidak bermutu,
Kebakaran jenggot berkutu,
Sepanjanglah waktu,

Rahmat yang ada,
Selalu dipersia,
Sultan lamanya,
Ke manakah baginda?

Belanda yang yang melanda,
Tidak terhalaukan;
Rakyat sengsara,
Malaysia dipersalahkan.

Modern Green House Living architecture

The concept of Modern Green House, Living architecture, eco friendly house recently be new trend architecture. In the world of green architecture design concept referred to as Eco Friendly house and House Living Green interior design. Home with concept Eco Friendly house and House Living Green interior design means to integrate all the houses in the process of unity by considering the consequences for the environment. That is, since the beginning of the process of design, development and utilization of various terms considered. If you want to build Eco Friendly house and House Living Green interior design for your ideal home, concrete can be many. Window and a lot of air flow smoothly so you do not need AC. Enough to land a well. Green room, aka the garden supply clean air. Installing the dirty water disposal and waste can be recycled. Utilization of building materials that are not extravagant. Of all the designs can not always accommodate all aspects. But minimal. At least once more: You do not have to spend all the land for a house, or a closed cement. You need to take into account so that each room to get sunlight and air enough. Use the point and place the lamp in place of the optimal.

Aston Martin Rapide the perfect specification

This is detail specification Aston Martin Rapide: Aston Martin Rapide has a comfortable interior design can fit four people with a curved roof, such as coupe. This car is equipped with two LCD screens installed in front of the back seat. All seater individual. Individual behind two separate rear seat console that allows passengers to control the AC and the infotainment system. Exterior design is equipped with a modern, luxury car has a body aerodynamics, aggressive, large grille, lights and LED's sein hood scoops. Aston Martin Rapide is called as”the most elegant four-door sports car in the world”.

Bugatti Veyron par Hermes photos and specification

Many fans Bugatti looking for detail specification this luxury car, they looking for Bugatti Veyron par Hermes to decorate their room. Bugatti Veyron par Hermes has aesthetic interior design with the car with something special for an elegant and of course, sophisticeted. There is a close relationship between Hermes and Bugatti Veyron. Relationships have started when Ettore Bugatti and Hermes Þmile met in 1920. Designed by Gabriele Pezzini, interior Bugatti Veyron par Hermes present without stitches. This is due Pezzini using the same techniques for sewing Hermes bag made from buffalo skin. Not to stop there, the withdrawal a "bag" console equipped cars Hermes bag. Even the door handle is designed according to the order Ettore Bugatti in the 1920s era. Bugatti Veyron par Hermes has a Top Speed 1 / 3 speed of sound. If you do googling for photos Bugatti Veyron Hermes this collaboration. Official Bugatti site displays photographs of high resolution to meet our visual appetite.

Manfaat Terapi akupresur/akupunktur, Terapi penyembuhan prana dan Pengobatan Herbal

Manfaat Terapi akupresur/akupunktur, Terapi penyembuhan prana dan PengobatanHerbal
Terapi akupresur sangat baik untuk mengatasi stres, mencerahkan kulit, memperlancar aliran darah di wajah dan tubuh, serta mendeteksi adanya penyakit tertentu.Titik-titik akupresur terletak pada kedua telapak tangan dan kedua telapak kaki. Di telapak kita terdapat titik akupresur untuk jantung, paru, ginjal, mata, hati, kelenjar tiroid, pankreas, sinus, dan otak. Terapi ini berlangsung selama lebih kurang 10 menit.Terapi prana, terapi memanfaatkan energi kehidupan di alam semesta untuk menormalkan kembali gangguan fisik dan mental-emosional. Langkah-langkah pengobatan prana cukup sederhana.Ada tiga tahap pengobatan dengan prana, yakni pendeteksian, pembersihan energi negatif, dan pemberian energi positif.
Terapi dengan metode prana akan dilakukan pada bagian perut seorang pasien. Saat dilakukan prana, seorang pasien akan menjadi hangat. Setelah diterapi badan pasien pun akan terasa enteng. Taknik penyembuhan ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membantu meulihkan gangguan fisik, psikis, juga untuk kecantikan. Terapi Prana ini juga bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kandungan dan kewanitaan seperti kanker serviks, mioma, sulit mendapatkan keturunan, keputihan, dan lainnya.Pengobatan herbal yang terdiri dari kayu secang, sambiloto, kayu manis, dan ramuan herbal lainnya yang sudah diracik.

Manfaat pijat refleksi untuk kesehatan

Trend dunia keasehatan saat ini cenderung beralih dari pengobatan medis menuju pengobatan alternative atau pengobatan ala timur dan salah satunnya adalah terapi pijat refleksi Banyak orang belum tahu manfaat dan kasiat pijat refleksi untuk kesehatan. Seorang terapis akan memberikan terapi refleksi pada titik-titik saraf yang di telapak kaki, daun telinga, kening, dan daerah sekitar wajah.Sebelum dilakukan terapi refleksi, bagian tubuh pasien yang akan direfleksi terlebih dahulu diolesi dengan krim dan minyak aromaterapi.Terapi refleksi tidak hanya melancarkan peredaran darah, tapi juga menambah energi karena secara mekanistis memiliki kemampuan melatih saraf dan otot tubuh sehingga tubuh lebih fit dan mampu menangkal penyakit. Sejumlah penyakit bisa disembuhkan melalui pijat refleksi, mulai dari penyakit ringan seperti pusing, pegal-pegal, dan perut mulas hingga penyakit berat seperti jantung dan kanker. Terapi refleksi berlangsung selama kurang lebih 10 menit.

New Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo Limited Edition wallpaper and reviews

New Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo Limited Edition has modern specification with a 2500 cc diesel engine is more complete with additional accessories that TRD seemed more sporty and strong, so the Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo Limited Edition as the main option fans of vehicle Utulity Sport Vehicle (SUV) of the country. The feature of Yaris TRD in 2008, this time complete with the Toyota Fortuner Toyota TRD Sportivo in the automotive market. Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo Limited Edition with this price is quite competitive. customers can have a Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo with 2 color options, the Silver and White. the addition of body kit on SUV 4x2 G transmission this manual according to the SUV to its character, so that the more prestigious form of vehicles, masculine and sporty body kit with a TRD's home in Thailand. Fortuner 2500 cc Diesel plant is to give broad choice for the performance of a powerful engine. SUV variants also accommodate geographical conditions in some way with the level of the high ground clearance. To the interior side, 2009 Toyota Fortuner still offer the luxury and stylish and the features that make modern SUV Toyota Fortuner TRD Sportivo more special and exclusive.

Miss Motor Show automotive 2009

There are four category Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2009 election miss motor namely: Miss Motor Show Favorite, Miss Motor Show automotive, Miss Friendship Motor Show, and Miss Motor Show Photogenic.The presence of the sexy woman on the sidelines of the largest automotive event Indonesia, the attention to be withdrawn. because they give other colors IIMS 2009. Therefore, the contest organizers to Miss Motor Show in 2009 to select who among the women are beautiful and capable of work to the best. Not only the best of the physical, but also knowledge and control of the product nd the personality of their own.

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10 Spot Women Erotic

This is the 10 point erotic women. Many of the desperate desire to make partner, which is always decreasing. In fact I make a tendency, especially for women, not too difficult. You only need to know where their erotic point. This erotic spot on the 10 women who expressed expert David Strovny sex.

1. Hair
Appearance of hair is one of the important women. They fought hard for the order hair the best. If you praise and intimate kiss with the hair, the woman will feel valued . Mood to making love.

2. Neck
Neck including the sensitive point for women. Touching his neck and kiss with the smooth. Do not be surprised if he is then interesting to your bed!

3. Back
Back is probably the area most of life when you make. In fact, women also have pungung dots sensitive. Try to touch the back with your fingers, and provide intimate kiss.

4. Rear knee area
The back of the knee that is one point erotic for women. because the location is not light, you can 'seduce' pair in the point at a crowded place. Wow!

5. The Hand
Fine touch in the hands of women will make them feel comfortable and owned. He was ready to become your own.

6. Ear leaf
There is no doubt, touch and smell the conch akan pair turn on you. So do not forget to touch the part at foreplay.

7. Feet
Touch in the feet can also make a woman feel comfortable. Finger and touch the feet. Smooth at the foot massage they will also make it comfortable.

8. In the thigh
In the thigh is the dots next erotic. Touch the part with the fine, and note your reaction.

9. Pinggul
Pinggul bones, of course, be the next target. You make this point more closely with the intimate parts of women.

is the last point. If your partner is' hot ', please' shake 'your night!

Exclusive video Kronologis penggrebekan Nurdin M Top

Exclusive video Kronologis penggrebekan Nurdin M Top. Saat penggerebekan, di dalam rumah itu memang hanya ada Noordin seorang diri, karena Mozahri dan dua keponakannya, Arif (38) dan adiknya Hendra (34), sudah ditangkap sehari sebelumnya oleh polisi.
Dikatakan anggota Densus itu, Noordin sebenarnya sempat berteriak minta tolong ketika petugas Densus meledakkan kamar sisi kanan rumah. Akan tetapi, polisi tdiak menghiraukan teriakan itu. Polisi bahkan terus memberondongkan peluru, karena khawatir teriakan minta tolong itu sebagai jebakan. Akibat berondongan itu, Noordin melarikan diri ke kamar mandi di sisi belakang rumah. Sekitar pukul 07.50, polisi kembali meledakkan bom yang diletakkan di samping kanan rumah. Ini dilakukan untuk membuka ruang gerak bagi para penembak.

Penyanyi 'Tak Gendong' mbah surip Meninggal Dunia

kabar mengejutkan datang dari penyanyi nyentrik dan fenommenal mbah surip. Mbah Surip meninggal dunia pada Selasa (4/8/2009) pukul 10.30 WIB. Penyanyai "tak gendong" ini meningal dunia setelah sebelumya sempat dilarikan ke RS Pusdikkes, Jakarta Timur. Iya benar tadi meninggal pukul 10.30 WIB," kata Mega, petugas pendaftaran RS Pusdikkes saat dikonfirmasi detikcom. kabar duka meninggalnya mbah surip ini memang sangat mengejutkan terutama bagi kalangan artis, penyanyi fenomenal ini mendadk menjadi jutawan dengan lagunya tak gendong. Tidak hanya kalangan dewasa anak anakpun juga senang dengan lagu mbah Surip "tak gendong". maut memang datang sewaktu waktu tidak pandang usia, jabatan, status sosial artis atau orang biasa bila saatnya datang tak seorangpun bisa menolak. artis mbah surip hanya mengenyam kesuksesan sesaat, namun bagaimanapun mbah Surip telah menjadi warna dalam dunia musik Indonesia. selamat jalan mbah surip...(sumber

Michael Schumacher the Legend of Formula 1 back in a F1-car

Michael Schumacher-photos
Its Good news for Michael Schumacher fans in the world. " the legend of F1 comback to the race. He said" A great feeling to be back in a F1 car, even if it was a car of the F1 Clienti programme of 2007 and slicks which are used by the GP2 - there obviously are no real references. Although the car is not new, I want it because it is a good choice. Pekan-next weekend will be full of preparation for the raceBut after a few laps i was able to drive constant times, and I am quite happy with the time I did.

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