Organ intimate you also need to be slicked. How is the vaginal rejuvenation. The result is not only your taste, but also her husband.
Vaginal rejuvenation (V-Rejuvenation) healing therapy is not a disease, but a series of treatments to restore vitality vagina. V-Rejuvenation treatment can also prevent and reduce the various problems in the vagina, for example keputihan, not savory smells, and inflammation. Problem will reduce the confidence in you before the pair. Ultimately, can reduce sexual passion. Some treatment options for V-Rejuvenation, Vaginal among Ozone Therapy (Vot), H3Platinum hundred + V, and V-area IPL Rejuvenation (VAI). V-Rejuvenation for bride, a woman who has been married to improve and increase the warmth husband's passion, and the woman with the issue. However, it should not be done by pregnant women or are bleeding. Description of V-Rejuvenation treatment, as follows:
Vaginal Ozone Therapy (VOT)
Vaginal Ozone Therapy (VOT) is able to overcome the bacteria or fungi can also cause sterilize water that we use to wash vagina so that more clean and healthy. Husband can feel intimate when you are dealing with it, even as rough virgin again so he can still enjoy the satisfaction of sex. For the wife, Vaginal Ozone Therapy (VOT) can increase the sensitivity so that the vagina orgasm easy reach. Step Vaginal Ozone Therapy (VOT) starting from the initial cleaning in the area outside the vagina with the V-solution pro-Ph special. Furthermore, while patients relax done with the V-ozone instrument is small and disposable soft ( a one-time use, dispose of immediately), so likely sterile. This stage is done for 15-20 minutes.
H3 Platinum + Ratus V
This treatment nutritious balance warm, as antiseptic, and stimulant sexual passion. In particular, the H3 Platinum beneficial to maintain health, reduce free radicals, and helps speed muscle. Before starting treatment, patients wear a special switch and cover the head in the sterile room while cleaning vagina with a special cleaner. Then, the patient was brought to the V-therapy (in which every room only for one patient) to hundred-V compound with fragrant spices and flowers. During the hundred, the patient also kegel exercises under the supervision of a nurse for 15-20 minutes. Exercise is important to tighten vagina muscles so that the power cankered have a strong and can contracts well. After that, the patient can change clothes again
V-area IPL Rejuvenation (VAI)
Patients can choose V IPL-Rejuvenation (IPL laser made in the vagina) to the outside of the area around the thigh and intimate so that the skin is still tight, young, no wrinkles, and slack. With Rejuvenation IPL-V, collagen and elastic around the vagina so that the faster the withdrawal stimulant adolescents.
Rejuvenation IPL-V can be done alone or before treatment can also H3 Platinum hundred + V. The difference, after a hundred-V, the skin on the outside of the vagina area still have masker. Duration of treatment ranges from 30 minutes-1 hour. Rejuvenation IPL-V is often performed simultaneously with the IPL treatment in which Brazilian feather around vagina cleaned in order not to grow again. Of course, need the repetition, but the result will give a new sensation for you both. This beautiful woman, to achieve maximum results, V-Rejuvenation should be done 10 times. Furthermore, the maintenance once every 2-3 weeks or 2-3 days after menstruation. Although related to the intimate organs, there are no side effects because it means that the therapy be carried out by doctors and sterile competent,
Vaginal rejuvenation (V-Rejuvenation), Vaginal Ozone Therapy (VOT), H3Platinum+Ratus V, and V-area IPL Rejuvenation (VAI)
Labels: Life Style: Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation (LVR) and SPA Vagina (V-Spa)OxySpa metode baru perawatan tubuh-kombinasi energy panas, aliran oksigen, getaran massage dan aromatherapy
Labels: Health
OxySpa adalah suatu metode perawatan tubuh yang menggunakan kombinasi energy panas, aliran oksigen, getaran massage dan aromatherapy.Adanya energy panas akan melancarkan system sirkulasi darah sehingga memepercepat dan mengefektifkan masuknya oksigen kedalam jaringan dan sel sel tubuh. Oksigen tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk metabolisme sel, pertumbuhan dan regenerasi sel sel tubuh. Oksigen akan merangsang pertumbuahan sel kulit baru jarinagan ealstin dan kolagen sel kulit sehingga kulit akan tampak cerah/bersih, elastis, dan kencang, Sebaliknya jika tumbuh kekurangan oksigen dan nutrisis sel tumbuh menjadi berkurang.
Adanya getaran massage aromaterapy, serta alunan musik yang bisa didengarkan selama treatment akan membuat tubuh menjadi rileks dan mengurangi stres / ketegangan.
Perawatan oxyspa dapat dapat digunakan melancarkan sistem peredaran relaksasi mengurangi stress, untuk relaksasi , memperbaiki jaringan tubuh, melakukan detoksisasi zat racun sisa metabolisme yang tidak diperlukan, mencerahkan kulit serta membakar kalori sehingga mengurangi berat badan. Perawatan oxyspa dapat dilakaukan satu kali seminggu sekali, dengan durasi perawatan satu jam.
OxySpa The new body treatment for modern lifestyle
Labels: Life Style
Oxy spa is one of body treatment tool that uses a combination of heat energy, oxygen, vibration massage and aromatherapy. There is a heat energy system will be smooth so that blood circulation faster and effective oxygen entrance into the cell network and the cell body. Oxygen was necessary for cell metabolism, cell growth and cell regeneration body. Oxygen growth will stimulate new skin cells and collagen n ealstin skin cells so that skin will look bright / clean, resilient, and fast, the other if the lack of oxygen to grow and grow into the cells nutrisis reduced. There is a vibration massage aromatherapy, and the strain of music could be heard during the treatment will make the body become relax and reduce stress / tension. Oxyspa treatment can be used to reinforce circulation system relaxation to reduce stress, for relaxation, improving the body's network, do detoksisasi metabolic substances toxic residue that is not needed, bright skin and burn calories, so reducing the weight of the body. Oxyspa treatment can do one time once a week, with treatment duration of one hour
Interior rumah gaya klasik eropa
Labels: Home
Interior Rumah megah yang mempunyai gaya klasik eropa dilengkapi dengan ruang tamu, seperangkat sofa kulit dan furniture bergaya italia. Gaya eropa tampak dengan danya kubah berbentuk stengah bola yang berhias lukisan karya Leonardo da vinci. Kubah itu di lengkapi dengan lampu kristal atau chandelier dari spanyol. Cahaya diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga menambah kesan mewah ruangan berlantai marmer. Element dekorative terlihat dominan di rumah ini, kontras dengan tampilan luar rumah yang putih. Wallpaper yang menghias ruang tamu yang menggambarkan gaya eropa era baroque, kesan homy terlihat dari foto yang berwarna hitam putih dengan gaya klasik.Element dekoratif gaya eropa terliahat pada ornament railing baja yang berukir, selain itu ada piano unik, mejabilyar, terdapat karpet bagus dan meja mini bar unik. Konsep yang klasik, dan elemant dekoratife yang begitu menyatu dengan bangunannya membuat rumah ini tampak cantik, elegant, mewah bergaya klasik eropa
VVIP room hospital interior design in happy land Hospital
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Recently Happy land launch the new VVIP room interior with modern minimalist concept. As the one of international hospital in Yogyakarta Happy Land have the new spirit that is the Five star boutique hospital. The patient will feel comfortable as long as threat in this super VVIP room. Brown color and cream dominate in this super VVIP room hospital complete with modern facilities and five star hospital accessories.
Ponari bocah sakti si dukun kecil dengan batu ajaibnya mendadak selebriti
Labels: Berita Terkini
Ponari dukun kecil dengan batu ajaib semakin menjadi berita sensasional di media cetakdan elektronik, Ponari dukun kecil dengan batu ajaibnya seolah olah menjadi selebitis dadakan semua infotainment meliput keajaiban bcah sakti ini. Dengan batu ajaipnya konon dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Ponari dukun kecil ini bahkan memecahkan rekor dengan pasien terbanyak di dunia dalam sehari ponari mampu mengobati sampai puluhan ribu pasien. Bahkan saking banyaknya antrian pasien sampai sampai timbul korban meninggal akibat berdesak - desakan mengantri. Ponari si bocah sakti ini sekaligus menjadi bocah terkaya mendadak konon dalam sehari keuntungan dari mengobati sampai 50 juta perhari. Batu ajaib yang di gunakan oleh ponari si dukun kecil ini konon adalah berasal dari pecahan batu petir. Fenomena ini pengobatan ponari si dukun kecil ini menjadi refleksi betapa masyarakat indonesia masih percaya dengan pengobatan alternative dan menunjukan bahwa betapa mahalnya biaya kesehatan di indonesiasehingga tidak terjangkau oleh masyarakat menengah kebawah sehingga mereka memilih percaya dengan pengobatan seperti ponari ini. Semoga pemerintah tanggap dengan fenomena seperti ini terutama mereka yang duduk di departemen kesehatan.
New Honda Jazz 2009 wallpaper-modern city car
Labels: Automotive
All New Honda Jazz is still a market leader in low-class MPV. For the market in January 2009, Hatchback sedan mainstay PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) that record the highest number, 1,064 units.Its still led the class in the acquisition market share of 38% and accounted for around 91% of total Honda sales in the first month that as many as 2039 units. In addition to Jazz, new Honda CR-V continues to record the number of sales that is stable. Even as Jazz, medium SUV vehicle this is still a market leader with a total sale of 767 units or 43% market segment.
Although economic conditions have not improved at the beginning of this year, some of Honda products, such as the Honda Jazz and Honda CR-V, is still performing well and that sales remain dominant in their respective class.At the mini-class sedan, All New Honda City, which recently launched in November 2008 the market share around 25% or 169 units. Meanwhile, in the medium class sedan, the Honda Accord on circulating in the market as much as 39 units and a market leader with market share gain of 29%.
Red Audi R8 5.2 FSI -2009 Detroit Auto Show
Labels: Automotive
Audi R8 5.2 FSI launch in 2009 Detroit Auto Show. Audi R8 5.2 FSI is the futuristic car with 2 passenger, red Audi R8 5.2 FSI wallpaper make many visitor in 2009 Detroit Auto Show interest with red Audi R8 5.2 FSI.
Nabawi mosque Combination ultra modern architecture and Arabic architecture
Labels: Hot News
Combination ultra modern architecture and Arabic architecture can be encountered in the interior nabawi mosque. Nabawi mosque is very elegant and beautiful. This mosque also has interior design which is very beautiful, ultra modern and artistic. For ventilation of large buildings and wide, open space 27 is created with size 18 x 18 meter dome is covered with a beautiful and majestic and closed electronically or manually. Fiberglass roof closed during the day and open at night, except when the weather is too cold. Nabawi mosque tower has 10 units in the 104 meters, designed with a very artistic and jewelry that is in the top of the crescent bronze coated with 24 carat gold. Pillars in the 2104 pieces, made of 64 cm diameter concrete coated the white marble of milk On the Ground floor level on the floor and vaulted 5.6 meters on the boundary curve will display a beautiful lamp with gold jewelry. With the amount of toilet units 2500 and 6800 to tap made from high quality materials and clean, and maintenance.