TheraCIM (Nimotuzumab) therapy the newest cancer medical treatment


Newest cancer medical treatment namely therapy TheraCIM (Nimotuzumab) for the sufferer cancer. TheraCIM (Nimotuzumab) therapy including the group of target therapy. "Meaning that, this therapy made antigens of the cancer growth as the target, an antibody monoclonal (the receptor epidermal growth factor (EGFR = Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor)." EFGR this was the door to the splitting to the cancer cell.This EGFR existence in the network of the body of the cancer patient in the excessive number became the marker that the patient's cancer became faster worsened. Generally, giving of chemotherapy medicine and radiotherapy were often ineffective so as the age of the life expectancy of the patient to more short. Therapy this target used medicine that injection in the patient's body. The discovery of target therapy against EGFR this opened the opportunity more the success of cancer therapy was accompanied by the increase in hope and the quality of the life of the patient.



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