Inilah penyebab di tariknya Honda jazz dari pasaran, sebelumnya Honda Inggris memutuskan untuk menarik seluruh Honda Jazz yang diproduksi 2001-2008. Honda menemukan adanya kesalahan produksi di daerah tombol jendela yang kalau kemasukan air diduga bisa menyebabkan arus pendek dan mengakibatkan kebakaran. Pada tanggal Jumat 29 Januari 2010, memberitakan bahwa Honda Inggris menyatakan akan menghubungi seluruh pemilik Honda Jazz atas penarikan ini. Jumlah Honda Jazz yang terkena dampak dari kondisi ini kemungkinan besar sekitar 646 ribu Honda Jazz di seluruh dunia. Telah terjadi Kasus kebakaran pada September lalu yang merenggut nyawa anak berumur dua tahun bernama Vanilla Nurse di Afrika Selatan. Saat kejadian, Vanilla sedang tidur saat mobil Honda Jazz dan terbakar.
Penyebab Honda Jazz di tarik dari pasaran
Labels: AutomotiveDownload film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan ramai diburu
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Setelah film suster keramas menjadi film yang laris manis, film serupa yaitu film Hantu Puncak datang bulan mulai di cari orang di internet. Trailer Hantu Puncak datang bulan juga sudah ramai di download. Tema film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan masih sama dengan fil suster keramas yaitu film horor dengan di bumbui dengan adegan panas dan pamer tubuh seksi para pemainnya. Pemain film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan: Andi Soraya, Trio Macan, Tessa Mariska, Ferly Putra, dan Rizky Mocil. Film bergenre horor komedi ini akan segera tayang di bioskop 4 Februari 2010. Di film berjudul Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan ini Aya berperan sebagai mahasiswa yang menempati rumah kos bersama teman-teman satu kampusnya. Namun, tanpa Aya sadari ada seorang hantu yang selalu meneror dia dan teman-temannya. Ternyata mereka baru mengetahui dahulu terjadi pembunuhan sepasang kekasih yang mayatnya dipotong-potong menjadi beberapa bagian dan bangkai tubuhnya dikubur di tempat kos tersebut. Artis Andi Soraya tidak menampik kalau memang ia dibayar mahal untuk tampil topless di film 'Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan.' Dalam film terbarunya, ibu dua anak itu, melakoni adegan melepas branya. Tanpa malu-malu, ia memperlihatkan payudaranya meski hanya 2-3 detik. Tak hanya itu, dalam film yang disutradarai KK Dheeraj, ia juga melakoni adegan ranjang dengan kekasihnya, Ferly Putra. Tidak heran kalau film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan ramai di download.
Trend wedding dress 2010
Labels: Life Style
Wedding moments into beautiful memories for a pair of men and women who are committed to love. No doubt if they would try hard to find wedding dresses and suits, not on account of high-priced, but elegant and understated. Faced with the wedding day, women are usually more busy than the prospective groom. The image of a beautiful queen Balam day dress elegant wedding already exists in the shadows. Including a strong desire to lose weight to look perfect. For that, she was selectively choosing the appropriate wedding dress with her posture. "The trend 2010 wedding dress leads to an elegant dress, but the impression blink-blink to be abandoned. Not with a sprinkling of swarovski crystals that causes excessive impression too glamorous, but the real luxury lies in the structure and design lines, "he said in an interview via cell phone Legal, Thursday (29/1/2010).
With the theme "For Ever Love", the owner of the Han Chenny Bridal collection featuring 24 international wedding dress which is divided into three sequences, ie a mini dress, ballgown classics, and Greek style. With the cutting technique in every detail, will combine techniques Chenny and Drapery pleats at the Greek style. While the brocade and crystal games barely used in mini dress and Greek style.
"The first Sequences will be dominated mini dress. This dress will become a trend in 2010. Followed by a second sequence with a collection of classic and ballgown covered with Greek style filled with H-line silhouette and mermaid, "he continued.
Besides beautify the collections with new breakthroughs such as the laser technique, was perfecting his collection Chenny with flocking techniques. "Flocking technique is a technique that creates a motive arises as emboss. Motif emboss will enrich the texture, like writing on paper arise. Abroad, this technique alone there were two or three years ago. Only here the technique is not yet known the general public, "he said. The entire wedding dress works using materials Chenny taffeta, satin, silk, tulle, and Organdi. As we want to show the beauty of white, showing only Chenny dresses in shades of white, ie white, bone white, and champagne. Interested in collecting? Watch for Han Chenny mat work in the Grand Wedding Expo 13 held 29-31 January 2010 in the Plenary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center. The event was opened to the public starting at 10.00-21.00 WIB.
Garuda Pancasila di kaos Armani
Labels: Berita Terkini
Garuda Pancasila menghiasi kaos armani. Garuda Pancasila menjadi salah satu model dalam disain kaos milik rumah mode dari perancang dunia, Giorgio Armani. Rumah disain yang memproduksi kaos bergambar mirip lambang negara RI itu yakni Armani Exchange. Ada tiga model kaos berlambang mirip Garuda Pancasila. Tiga model itu berdasarkan tiga warna yang disediakan si perancang. Gaya kaos tak berkerah itu disediakan dengan tiga warna yakni, putih, hitam, dan biru tua.
Disebutkan dalam situs resminya, gambar burung Garuda yang melekat pada kaos itu adalah burung Elang versi militer. Dan burung Garuda itu juga sudah melalui sentuhan gambar yang tidak terlalu kentara. Tampilan burung Garuda atau Elang militer itu dalam bentuk sablon timbul. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 100 persen katun dan berukuran body fit. Sebagai perbandingan, pada lambang negara, gambar kepala banteng dan pohon beringin tidak ada pada model kaos milik Armani. Gambar kepala banteng dan pohon beringin berganti menjadi huruf X dan A. Sedangkan, gambar padi dan kapas yang melekat pada model kaos terlihat masih samar-samar. Meski sudah melalui proses editing, bila dilihat lebih dekat maka gambar padi dan kapas serta rantai itu terlihat pada disain kaos
Avatar XXX: Avatar story Na'vi porn version will be released
Labels: Box Office Movie
Movie makers and business people in Hollywood really keen to see market opportunities. Utilizing the movie 'Avatar' is successful, Hustler ready to work on the story Na'vi porn version. Hustler production houses will adopt the road film 'Avatar' and then turn it into a XXX porn movie rating. Actors and actresses in the movie 'Avatar' porno version will also be painted blue, like a creature Na'vi. The plan 'Avatar' pornographic version will be made in the DVD version and will start moving into the market later than mid-2010 this year. Sources in Hustler explain some porn star has contracted to play in the movie 'Avatar' version of porn. But the names of those involved porn star could not divulged. Trend in Hollywood to make a blue movie adaptation of best-selling films already lasted for several years. Before 'Avatar', was circulated pornographic film 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Even the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' version was circulated in the porn series 2. Hustler became one of the manufacturer's most successful porn film. Not only 'Avatar', porno movie adaptation of 'Star Trek', the series 'CSI' and 'Beverly Hills 90210' into the work of Hustler
Tips cara Aman bertransaksi di ATM
Labels: Berita Terkini
Seperi kita ketahui bahwa akhir akhir ini marak adanya pembobolan rekening oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Berikut ini adalah cara dan Tips aman saat bertransaksi di ATM dan sekaligus menghindarkan dari tindak pembobolan Rekening bank.
1. Melindungi kerahasiaan PIN ATM dengan cara:
i. Mengganti PIN secara berkala
ii. Menutup dengan tangan ketika memasukkan PIN sehingga tidak terlihat pihak lain
iii.Tidak terpancing memberikan PIN kepada pihak lain yang seolah-olah petugas bank dan meminta nasabah untuk menyebutkan atau menginput nomor PIN.
2. Memerhatikan kondisi fisik ATM dan sekelilingnya, dan apabila ada hal-hal yang mencurigakan, nasabah diharapkan tidak menggunakan ATM tersebut dan segera melapor kepada pihak bank terdekat atau ke yang berwajib.
3. Pada saat bertransaksi menggunakan kartu ATM pada merchant (toko yang bekerja sama dengan pihak perbankan), diharapkan nasabah memerhatikan kondisi alat EDC, bila terdapat alat (device) mencurigakan yang menempel pada EDC atau hal lain yang mencurigakan, nasabah dihimbau tidak bertransaksi dan segera melapor kepada pihak bank terdekat atau yang berwajib.
4. Segera blokir kartu ATM bila menemukan kejanggalan transaksi.
5. Cari lokasi ATM yang relatif aman.
6. Jangan mudah percaya dengan bantuan orang lain di sekitar ATM,
Semoga bermanfaat tips ini.
Haiti Earthquake victims photos
Labels: Hot News
Earthquake 7.3 magnitude that shook Haiti SR causes paralysis almost the entire infrastructure, including communications. Shocks great earthquake had flattened several buildings with land in the capital Port-au-Prince. The earthquake magnitude 7 on the Richter scale early on Tuesday (12/1/2010) at 16:45 o'clock local time, or Wednesday morning at 04.45 pm was centered at about 10 miles west of the Haitian capital. "Some people ran into the street, crying, yelling and screaming fear," said Karel Zelenka, director of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Haiti. "They see how powerful the damage caused, but was helpless to save so many people are buried under rubble," he said. "There are so many buildings that collapsed," Zelenka said in a telephone interview from Port-au-Prince. "This disaster would be catastrophic."
Zelenka reported heavy smoke cloud visible in the air after a number of buildings collapsed. Near the CRS headquarters, a supermarket were destroyed and completely razed to the ground. Largest earthquake ever recorded rocked Haiti, Tuesday (12/1/2010), knocked down a hospital. "The whole town is in darkness. Thousands of people sat on the street. They do not know where to go," said Rachmani Domersant, Operations Manager Food for the Poor. Some of the main building, such as offices, hotels, and shops in the Haitian capital, Port-Au-Prince, collapsed due to strong earthquake on Tuesday (12/1/2010). The ruins are expected to accumulate hundreds or even suspected to be into the thousands of people. They were trapped under rubble. As stated by one of the U.S. aid agency workers. "I've seen, seven or eight buildings, ranging from office buildings to hotels and shopping center collapsed ... I think the hundreds of casualties is expected to shrink," he said.
Until now not known how many victims died. In one area of Port-au-Prince, Petionville, part of a fairly elite area, in which diplomats and wealthy citizens residing Haiti, a hospital collapsed and several homes were destroyed and the ruins fell into a ravine. Foreign Ministry spokesman PJ Crowley U.S. State explains, the U.S. Embassy in Haiti has begun contacting U.S. citizens residing in Port-au-Prince. However, this communication was blocked by the collapse of communications facilities or breaking point the way to disaster sites after earthquake.
"The damage is significant. Most of the walls collapsed. Most people died buried by the rubble," said Crowley. "The damage there really significant." "Thousands of people were killed," according to a spokesman for the Catholic Human Recovery Agency in Port-au-Prince in a statement over the phone to his colleagues in the U.S.. "He reported catastrophic chaos and around Port-au-Prince is shrouded by clouds of ash," Fajardo said the Catholic Humanitarian Recovery Agency in Maryland about the information he gets from the disaster site. While so far there has been no official statement from the Haitian government about the number of deaths.
Video fasilitas mewah di kamar penjara Ayin
Labels: Berita TerkiniFasilitas mewah di penjara di temukan di Rumah Tahanan Wanita Pondok Bambu, Jakarta Timur, Beberapa narapidana yang melanggar di antaranya terpidana kasus suap terhadap jaksa Urip Tri Gunawan, Artalita Suryani (Ayin). Artalita mendapat ruangan terpisah dengan tahanan lain dengan fasilitas mewah. Ruangan besar, televisi, kulkas, dan meja kantor. Di lantai 2 Satgas menemukan kasus yang sama. Bahkan di ruangan Aling, tahanan kasus narkotika, memiliki fasilitas karauke, televisi, dan ruang lebih besar. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada tahanan lain, Darmawati, Ines dan Ery. Berikut ini Video fasilitas mewah di kamar penjara para penjahat kaya.
Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan The owner of Manchester City
Labels: Sport
The Sun claims the City owner's family, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan has a total value of wealth to reach 560 billion pounds, or around Rp 825 trillion. Of the money, Mansour, kindly granting 305 million pounds (about USD 4.5 trillion) to clear the debt burden City. This was revealed in financial reports City, Tuesday (5/1/2010). It is the first time City reveals financial reports to the public, since Mansour took over City in August 2008 ago. Just a note, according to The Sun, Mansour bought City at a price of 210 million pounds, or around Rp 3.1 trillion. That does not include running the transfer budget of 200 million pounds, or about Rp 2.9 trillion. Mansour's willingness to repay City, other than to prove the commitment and ambition, also a form of appreciation to club management performance increase club revenue. When taken over, the City only recorded a revenue of 82.3 million pounds, or about Rp 1.2 trillion. Once taken over, the value was increased six per cent, to 87 million pounds or reach nearly USD 1.3 trillion.
Even so, the City itself has not been in the break-even point. According to the report, the City still suffers a loss of 92.6 million pounds, or almost USD 1.4 trillion reached. This is the biggest losses in British football history. The financial statements reflect the progress of a period of rapid change this club. This is all thanks to the long planning and investment board of directors and owners to create a solid business for the future, "said Head of Economic City, Graham Wallace. "The decision to pay off the debt owners in line with their financial strategy and this is fantastic news for Manchester City supporters, that the club is in a secure financial foundation, which provides excellent reference for future development," he continued. Meanwhile, through the lens of professional competition, City of debt shows the hull of their seriousness to compete in the European stage. This is related to the rules "Financial Fair Play" which will take effect next UEFA 2012. Conditions were set, the club that has a debt burden should not follow the European competition
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Video Hendri Mulyadi pada pertandingan Indonesia versus Oman
Labels: Berita Terkini
Berikut ini video aksi nekad Hendri Mulyadi pada pertandingan Indonesia melawan Oman.
Aksi Hendri tersebut mendapat dukungan dari para suporter di Indonesia. Saat itu Hendri masuk ke lapangan Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno saat laga Indonesia vs Oman, Rabu (6/1/2010), memasuki menit-menit akhir. Hendri, menggiring bola ke gawang Oman dan berusaha mencetak gol--meski gagal. Bahkan Dukungan atas aksi penyusupan Hendri Mulyadi ke tengah lapangan pertandingan Indonesia vs Oman mantan semakin banyak dalam facebook. Lebih menghebohkan lagi jumlah pendukung dalam facebook gerakan 'DUKUNG HENDRI MULYADI JADI KETUA PSSI' telah mencapai 9.337 user. Dan pengurus PSSI, Tondo Widodo juga menyebut Hendri sebagai ikon sepakbola Indonesia saat ini.
Download film suster keramas trailer
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Pemain film suster keramas:Rin Sakuragi, Herfiza Novianti, Rizky Mocil, Zidni Adam, Shinta Bachir.
profil Rin sakuragi adalah bintang film porno dari Jepang selain Miyabi. Film ini masih menjadi pro dan kontra karena film horor ini sebagian besar di bumbui dengan adegan panas.
Spesifikasi Kawasaki Ninja ZZR dan Harga
Labels: Automotive
Baru baru ini PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) akan memboyong Ninja ZZR (ZX-6E) ke pasar motor nasional pada Juni 2010. motor supersprort ini mempunyai spesifikasi yang lengkap. Berikut in detail spesifikasi Kawasaki Ninja ZZR: Ninja ZZr sendiri merupakan motor sport Kawasaki yang mengusung mesin DOHC berkapasitas 599 cc. Mesin yang didukung 16 katup dengan transmisi enam percepatan tersebut dapat mencapai kecepatan hingga 200 km/jam dengan torsi maksimal mencapai 65,68 pada putara 10.000 rpm. Harga Kawasaki Ninja ZZR diperkirakan 200 juta sudah termasuk pajak.
Transformers new flying car
Labels: Automotive
The heart of the United States military, the Pentagon, through its defense research center (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency / DARPA) was researching something that is more general. They are now back working on flying car project through a program called "Transformers". DARPA said the party, the purpose of the program "Transformers" (TX) is to create a vehicle for one to four passengers can be driven at once to fly. In addition, vehicles will also have combat abilities, avoiding the water, difficult terrain, road barriers, the threat of ambush, until the danger bombs (improvised explosive devices / IED). TX workshop will begin on January 14 next year with a variety of preparations, including the company appointed chaperone. This report quoted (30/12/2009). One of the obstacles faced with a surplus of vehicles able to protect and hold will attack, they had difficulty when passing and be landed like in Afghanistan. The reason, a variety of terrain. Such difficult conditions expected to be a crucial factor.
Mercedes Terrell Miss Supercross 2010
Labels: Automotive
Monster Energy AMA Supercross 2010 season, they've got the motor scratching mat sweeteners such land. Beautiful, young, sexy, and certainly was familiar with the sport scratching the ground. Feld Motor Sport recently announced a model called Mercedes Terrell, to become Miss Supercross 2010, and will become ambassador to the 16 Supercross races in 2010, and ready to greet the winner on the podium. Such pride, making Mercedes became not wait to get started motor racing carpet scratching the ground, which will be held early in the legendary circuit, Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, January 9, 2010. "I am very proud to represent the Monster Energy Supercross in 2010, and I can not wait to get started," said Mercedes full of enthusiasm. Terrell existence race in the world, not even recognized some of the media Supercross. The girl who lives in Las Vegas is already known face in the car tuning industry, as well as decorate several magazines.